
The following annexes are available on EMA’s website:

Annex 1 – Members of the Management Board

Annex 2 - Members of the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use

Annex 3 – Members of the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee

Annex 4 – Members of the Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use

Annex 5 – Members of the Committee on Orphan Medicinal Products

Annex 6 – Members of the Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products

Annex 7 – Committee for Advanced Therapies

Annex 8 – Members of the Paediatric Committee

Annex 9 – Working parties and working groups

Annex 10 – CHMP opinions on initial evaluations and extensions of therapeutic indication in 2023

Annex 11 – Guidelines and concept papers adopted by CHMP

Annex 12 – CVMP opinions on medicinal products for veterinary use in 2023

Annex 13 – Guidelines and concept papers adopted by CVMP in 2023

Annex 14 – COMP opinions on designation of orphan medicinal products in 2023

Annex 15 – HMPC European Union herbal monographs in 2023

Annex 16 – PDCO opinions and EMEA decisions on paediatric investigation plans and waivers in 2023

Annex 17 – Referral procedures overview 2023 – human medicines

Annex 18 – Arbitrations and referrals in 2023 – veterinary medicines

Annex 19 – Budget summaries 2022-2023

Annex 20 – European Medicines Agency establishment plan

Annex 21 – Litigation activities of EMA in 2023

Annex 22 – Access to documents requests

Annex 23 – Clinical Data Publication

Annex 24 – Publications by Agency staff members and experts in 2023