
Wednesday, 01 June 2022


European Medicines Agency, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Event summary

The first joint meeting of the new mandate (2022-25) of the ‘Patients and Consumers’ (PCWP) and ‘Healthcare Professionals’ (HCPWP) Working Parties will begin with introduction of the members followed by a discussion on issues related with clinical trials and the ongoing review of the ICH E6(R3) Good Clinical Practice. The second day will continue with an update on COVID-19, Big Data activities and also the use of communications by patients and healthcare professionals. The final session will look ahead to the new mandate with the adoption of the PCWP/HCPWP work plan 2022-2025 and a call for Co-chairs of the working parties.


Video recordings

COVID-19 update

  • Update on vaccines and therapeutics - Marco Cavaleri (EMA)
  • Safety surveillance on vaccines and therapeutics - Priya Bahri (EMA) and Cosimo Zaccaria (EMA)
  • Opening our Procedures at EMA to Non-EU authorities (OPEN) pilot - Martin Harvey (EMA) and Victoria Palmi Reig (EMA)

Big Data 

  • General update - Peter Arlett (EMA)

  • Pilot on raw data analysis - Eftychia-Eirini Psarelli (EMA) and Angela Bradshaw (AE)
  • DARWIN EU®  - Andrej Segec (EMA), Aldo Maggioni (ESC) and Elizabeth Vroom (UPPMD)

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