Our Medicine finder above helps you find information on medicines authorised for human or veterinary use. You can find these by including the medicine's name or its active substance. It shows you information on centrally authorised medicines - medicines that EMA evaluated. You can also find information on herbal medicines.
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Nationally authorised medicines
The medicine you are looking for may be authorised in individual Member States via national procedures, rather than centrally via EMA. Only medicines evaluated by EMA are available on this website.
You may not be able to obtain a complete list of available treatment options for a specific condition by searching on EMA's website.
Check the national registers of authorised medicines for finding medicines authorised via national procedures.
Check national registers
EMA's role
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) facilitates development and access to medicines for countries within the European Union (EU). EMA evaluates applications for marketing authorisation submitted via the centralised procedure, monitors the safety of medicines across their lifecycle and provides information to healthcare professionals and patients.
The medicines included in our work include medicines for human use, medicines for veterinary use and herbal medicines.
Read more about what we do