Veterinary good pharmacovigilance practices (VGVP) are a set of measures to facilitate pharmacovigilance for veterinary medicines in the European Union (EU) / European Economic Area (EEA). They apply to marketing-authorisation holders, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and medicines regulatory authorities in EU Member States.

They cover veterinary medicines authorised centrally via the Agency as well as medicines authorised at national level.

As of 28 January 2022, the VGVP guideline superseded previous EU guidance on pharmacovigilance for veterinary medicines.

VGVP modules

Eudravigilance Veterinary - Best Practice Guide (EVV BPG)

This document provides guidance to all registered user organisations and their individual users (EVWEB and Gateway users) that record suspected adverse event reports (AERs) in the Union pharmacovigilance database, EudraVigilance Veterinary (EVV).

Draft VGVP modules and comments received

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