In 2010, the European Commission signed a 'consultation and cooperation mechanism' between the Directorate-General for Health and Consumers and the Chinese State Food and Drug Authority, current National National Medical Product Administration:

This agreement includes specific interactions on pharmaceuticals and provides for annual meetings between the two parties. EMA participates in these meetings and any subsequent actions agreed.

EMA's activities focus on assisting China to implement similar good manufacturing practice (GMP) and good clinical practice (GCP) standards to those applied in the EU, in order to:

  • facilitate the use of products and data coming from China;
  • achieve a global approach to the manufacture and supervision of medicines in the long term.

Support to China includes:

  • inviting Chinese inspectors to participate as observers to any GMP and GCP inspection carried out by EU inspectors in China;
  • providing support to conferences and training in the context of the consultation and cooperation mechanism, where representatives from Chinese authority are involved.

For more information, see:

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