
At its September 2018 meeting, the European Medicines Agency's (EMA) Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) elected Harald Enzmann from Germany as its new chair, for a three-year mandate starting on 21 September 2018. Dr Enzmann will replace Dr Tomas Salmonson, senior scientific advisor at the Swedish Medicinal Products Agency (MPA), who will retire as chair after the September 2018 meeting, having served the maximum of two three-year mandates at the helm of the committee.

Dr Enzmann is a medical doctor. He works for the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) in Germany, where he is Head of European and International Affairs. Dr Enzmann has been a member of the CHMP since 2005 and its vice-chair since October 2016.

“The CHMP is at the cutting edge of medical progress. With science evolving at such a fast pace, our challenge will be to achieve a balance between being agile to find solutions to emerging scientific or regulatory issues and being consistent with previous decisions,” said Harald Enzmann. “As chair, I will try to elicit in a constructive way the committee members' views, encourage their involvement and structure our scientific discussions to foster consensual decision-making.”

The CHMP is the committee at EMA in charge of the scientific evaluation of new medicines. It was set up in 2004 and replaced the Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products (CPMP).

The CHMP will elect a new vice-chair at its October 2018 meeting.

*Start of mandate updated on 20 September 2018

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