
The marketing authorisation for Liprolog has been withdrawn at the request of the marketing authorisation holder.

Product information


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Product information documents contain:

  • summary of product characteristics (annex I);
  • manufacturing authorisation holder responsible for batch release (annex IIA);
  • conditions of the marketing authorisation (annex IIB);
  • labelling (annex IIIA);
  • package leaflet (annex IIIB).

Product details

Name of medicine
Active substance
insulin lispro
International non-proprietary name (INN) or common name
insulin lispro
Therapeutic area (MeSH)
Diabetes Mellitus
Anatomical therapeutic chemical (ATC) code

Pharmacotherapeutic group

  • Drugs used in diabetes
  • Insulins and analogues for injection, fast-acting

Therapeutic indication

For the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus who require insulin for the maintenance of normal glucose homeostasis. Liprolog is also indicated for the initial stabilization of diabetes mellitus. Liprolog is a short acting insulin and may be used in conjunction with a longer acting human insulin. Liprolog is indicated for preprandial administration.

Authorisation details

EMA product number
Marketing authorisation holder
Eli Lilly and Company Limited

Kingsclere Road
Hants RG21 6XA
United Kingdom

Marketing authorisation issued
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