This page lists documents and forms applicants may need for the preparation of their marketing authorisation application with the European Medicines Agency (EMA).




See question 'What are the dates for submission of eligibility requests?' on the pre-authorisation guidance page for submission of eligibility requests and dates of CHMP meetings

Product name


See question 'What are the dates for submission of (invented) name requests?' on the pre-authorisation guidance page for submission of proposed pames and dates of NRG discussion

Pre-submission meeting

Rapporteur/Co-Rapporteur appointment


See question 'What are the submission dates for rapporteur appointment requests?' on the pre-authorisation guidance page

Dossier submission

Application dossier - ICH M 4 common technical document (CTD) for the registration of pharmaceuticals for human use

Notice to applicants

Notice to applicants - Volume 2B - Presentation and content of the dossier - Common Technical Document and questions and answers

Application dossier - electronic common technical document

Notice to applicants

Notice to applicants - Volume 2B - Presentation and content of the dossier - eCTD EU Module 1; Presentation and content of the dossier - Electronic application Form: new application;

Electronic submissions to the European Medicines Agency

Withdrawals of applications

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