A biosimilar is a biological medicinal product that contains a version of the active substance of an already authorised original biological medicinal product (Reference Medicinal Product, RMP), where similarity to the reference medicinal product based on a comprehensive comparability exercise has been established. Biosimilars have become important therapeutic options, improving patient access to essential treatments. Therefore, CHMP (EMA) acknowledges the significance of biosimilars.

Currently, the required comparability exercise comprised quality data (analytical comparability exercise), in vitro and in vivo non-clinical data, and comparative pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, safety and efficacy studies. However, considering the advances in the analytical sciences and the extensive regulatory experience gained, in vivo non-clinical data and, at least for some less complex biologicals with a straightforward mechanism of action, the importance of dedicated clinical efficacy and safety data should be re-evaluated. Currently, the need for Comparative Efficacy Studies (CES) is increasingly questioned in general.

Keywords:  reflection paper, biosimilar, comparative efficacy study, tailored clinical approach

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