Marketing-authorisation holders must submit the results of studies on authorised medicines conducted in children to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) or to national competent authorities in the European Union (EU).

This is a requirement from Articles 45 and 46 of the Paediatric Regulation.

All clinical trials in scope of Articles 45 and 46, or included in an agreed paediatric investigation plan (PIP), can be accessed through the EU Clinical Trias Register.

The register also displays information on older paediatric trials in scope of Article 45 of the Paediatric Regulation.

The publication of this information is in accordance with Article 41 of the Paediatric Regulation.

Article 45

Article 45 requires marketing-authorisation holders for medicines authorised in the EU to submit information on all paediatric studies completed by 26 January 2007, the date of entry into force of the Paediatric Regulation. This includes medicines authorised centrally and nationally.

Submission of study results for assessment

The Agency and the national competent authorities are currently assessing the results of the paediatric studies submitted by marketing-authorisation holders.

Due to the large amount of information on nationally authorised medicines, the assessment is processed in several waves.

For nationally authorised medicines, modalities and timing for submitting results of studies for assessment as part of worksharing procedures can be found in the Best practice guide on Article 45 EU worksharing procedure.

Assessment reports of Article 45 studies for nationally authorised medicines are available on the Heads of Medicines Agencies website.

Assessment reports of Article 45 studies for centrally authorised medicines are available on the EMA website as part of the European public assessment reports (EPARs).

Submission of study results for publication

Marketing authorisation holders were required to submit the results of studies in scope of Article 45 of the Paediatric Regulation by 2011.

For studies referenced in the Medline database, the PubMed ID or declaration of interest should also be provided.

For more information, see:

If an interventional clinical trial in scope of Article 45 is also part of an agreed Paediatric Investigation Plan (PIP), protocol and result-related information has to be posted directly to the EudraCT database using the full EudraCT data set.

Article 46

Article 46 requires marketing-authorisation holders to submit information on studies conducted in children of authorised medicines that have been completed since the Paediatric Regulation came into force on 26 January 2007 and are sponsored by the marketing-authorisation holder. Information must be submitted within six months of completion of each study.

Submission of study results for assessment

For centrally authorised medicines:

For nationally authorised medicines:

Posting study results for publication

Result-related information from clinical trials in scope of Article 46 of the Paediatric Regulation has to be posted directly to the EudraCT database using the full EudraCT data set. If protocol-related information is not already held in EudraCT (e.g. if the trial is conducted outside the EU), prior upload of a protocol file to EudraCT is necessary together with the result-related information to complement the required trial results.

In order to post this information, users need to be registered with EudraCT. For more information, see EudraCT tutorials on posting results.

PIP trials

Result-related information for interventional clinical trials in children and/or adults included in an agreed PIP has to be posted directly to the EudraCT database using the full EudraCT data set.

For more information, see Paediatric clinical trials.

Post-authorisation procedural advice: questions and answers

Article 46 of Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006 (the 'Paediatric Regulation') sets out the obligation for marketing-authorisation holders (MAHs) to submit any MAH-sponsored studies involving the use of an authorised medicinal product in the paediatric population to the competent authority, whether or not they are part of a paediatric investigation plan (PIP). For centrally authorised medicinal products, the studies should be submitted to the European Medicines Agency.

This includes clinical studies that are:

  • completed or discontinued;
  • published or not.

Studies should be submitted regardless of the region where they were performed, the aim, outcome, design/methodology, population studied and indication.


The MAH should submit the paediatric studies within six months of its completion and irrespective whether or not it is part of a PIP (completed/or not yet completed) or whether it is intended for submission later on as part of a variation, extension or new stand-alone marketing-authorisation application or not.

Completion of a study is defined in the Communication from the Commission - Guideline on the format and content of applications for agreement or modification of a PIP and requests for waivers or deferrals and concerning the operation of the compliance check and on criteria for assessing significant studies on the format and content of paediatric investigation plans. Clinical studies are deemed to have been completed on the date of the last visit of the last subject in the study or at a later point in time as defined in the protocol.


A paediatric study is to be submitted pursuant to article 46 as a post-authorisation measure (‘stand-alone’ submission). However, if amendments to be introduced to Product Information are identified by the MAH, a variation (e.g. category C.1.4 or C.1.6) should be submitted directly containing the article 46 paediatric study.

The submission of an application under article 46 should include the following documents, preferably presented in accordance with appropriate headings and numbering of the EU-CTD format:

  • Cover Letter including information on the context in which the article 46 paediatric study submission is made (e.g. stand-alone study or study included in a development program) and statement that there are no regulatory consequences identified by the MAH.
  • In order to facilitate the registration of the submission, marketing authorisation holders are required to fill in all the submission attributes through the eSubmission delivery file UI.
  • A completed PAM submission form with the full description of the PAM. The description should mention the due date (6 months from the completion of study). This form will ensure the correct classification of the submission, involvement of designated Committees(s) and timetable to be applied.
  • A short critical expert overview clarifying the context of the data, including information on the pharmaceutical formulation used in the study, the existence of a suitable paediatric formulation and if relevant, conditions for an extemporaneous formulation
  • Final clinical study report
  • For a paediatric study that is part of a development program, a line listing (see template) of all the concerned studies

In case of submission of a variation including study relevant to article 46, the application should be presented in EU-CTD format accordingly to the guidance for variation (see also in guidance on variations). The following box should be ticked in the variation application form: “THIS APPLICATION RELATES TO PAEDIATRIC STUDIES SUBMITTED ACCORDING TO ARTICLE 45 OR 46 OF THE PAEDIATRIC REGULATION”.


Information is available on ‘Submitting a post-authorisation application’.

The following 60-day timetable shall apply to the assessment of the paediatric study submitted by the MAH:

Day 1Start of the procedure as per published timetable (see below)
Day 30Receipt of Rapporteur's Assessment Report
Day 45CHMP Members' comments
Day 50Receipt of Rapporteur's updated Assessment Report (if necessary)

Day 60 (CHMP meeting)

(up to Day 90 if a Request for Clarification is needed)

CHMP adoption of conclusion or Request for Clarifications


The submission deadlines and full procedural detailed timetables are published as a generic calendar on the EMA website (see: submission deadlines and full procedural timetables).

The published timetables identify the submission, start and finish dates of the procedures as well as other interim dates/milestones that occur during the procedure.

The EMA will inform the MAH of the outcome of CHMP evaluation. The following may be envisaged depending on CHMP's conclusion at D60:

  • No amendment to the product information is required at this point of time.
  • Further clarifications are required.The CHMP will request additional clarifications (directly linked to the paediatric study submitted) and a 30 days extension of the timeframe will normally apply.
  • A variation is needed to amend the product information in accordance with the CHMP conclusion. The variation submission is normally requested within 60 days after adoption of the CHMP conclusion. If the MAH is unable to submit the variation within this timeframe, he must justify the delay and inform the EMA/Rapporteur and propose a new submission date.

At the time of finalising an opinion, it may be needed that the MAH generate additional data (see also guidance on post-authorisation measures).

There is no fee payable for article 46 paediatric studies. However, the normal fees are applied to any variations containing Article 46 paediatric data or variations resulting from the assessment of such article 46 paediatric study submission.

The assessment report of the procedure will be published on the European Medicines Agency website under the EPAR tab of the product after removal of commercially confidential information.


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