
Wednesday, 04 October 2023


European Medicines Agency, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Event summary

Due to high demand, Regulatory Data Management Service is pleased to announce a second round of Webinars for SPOR and xEVMPD during which EMA’s SPOR team will cover all aspects of regulatory data management and the way SPOR and xEVMPD work today.

The sessions will cover practical information for users, including:

  • General principles and rules;
  • Key processes;
  • Key performance and data quality metrics;
  • Updates & next steps.

Webinars will be held from 02 October to 12 October 2023 with live sessions in the morning.

In order to reach a wider audience webinars will be broadcasted and there is no need to register. On the day, simply join via the link provided for each Webinar.

The Webinars will be based on those held in April - presentations and recordings can be found on SPOR and XEVMPD Week | European Medicines Agency ( and the updated presentations will be shared in due course.

Please consult the slides of the previous webinars and feel free to send questions in advance via the dedicated Slido. We will endeavour to incorporate them into the presentations for October.

Video recording


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