
Monday, 13 November 2017


European Medicines Agency, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

This second multi-stakeholder paediatric strategy forum, jointly organised by ACCELERATE and the European Medicines Agency, will focus on mature B cell malignancies (lymphoma and leukaemia) in children. The goal of this meeting is to share information, in a pre-competitive setting, which will inform a paediatric drug development strategy and subsequent decisions and facilitate the developments of innovative medicines for the treatment of children with mature B cell malignancies. Participation is restricted and on invitation only. Interested parties, including patients and parent-representatives, academia, clinicians and industry, should express their interest. For clinicians and researchers, priority will be given to those who have expertise and experience in clinical trials for mature B cell malignancies in children or intend to design such studies in the future.The report of this forum will be published as a scientific paper.


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