
Friday, 28 June 2024, 09:00 (CEST) - 13:25 (CEST)


European Medicines Agency, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Event summary

This meeting is part of EMA’s efforts to improve engagement with industry stakeholders. The aim is to facilitate regular exchange of views, promote dialogue and receive feedback on activities. The ISG will also host discussions on other topics of strategic interest for EMA and the pharmaceutical industry.

During the ninth meeting, the ISG will:

  • initiate discussions on the implementation of the health technology assessment regulation;
  • provide updates on strategic topics including clinical trials information system launch, EMA artificial intelligence strategy, EMA strategy to 2028, EU network portfolio and the Regulatory Optimisation Group, etc. 

For further details on the programme, see the agenda below.

Due to the scope of the above topics, the ISG membership includes industry stakeholder representatives of key human pharmaceutical industry sectors, including medicines supply and medical devices. The membership is also being formally extended to veterinary industry stakeholders.

ISG was established in June 2022 to support discussions on the implementation of EMA’s extended mandate. The mandate reinforced EMA’s role in crisis preparedness and management of medicines and medical devices (including the medical devices expert panel activities).


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