
Tuesday, 10 October 2023, 09:00 (CEST) - 13:30 (CEST)


European Medicines Agency, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Event summary

EMA offers a virtual training programme, organised by DIA, to support sponsor user preparedness for the new Clinical Trials Information System and the new way of submitting a clinical trial application and managing the life cycle of a clinical trial in the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA).

A hands-on approach is taken to explaining and demonstrating the functionalities of the system, such as user management, how to submit an initial application as well as modifications, both substantial and non-substantial. Also, how to manage the life cycle of a Clinical Trial, how to apply Deferral rules and respond to a Request for Information (RFI) will be addressed.

A blended learning approach is being used, offering components on-demand, self-paced and live virtual.

Who should attend?

This training programme is open to sponsor users of the new CTIS: commercial and non-commercial sponsors as well as Contract Research Organisations (CROs).

Learning objectives

Section I - These topics are offered on demand in a format of a recording which preferably should be watched before joining the live course:

  • Introduction to Clinical Trials Regulation (CTR) (EU) No 536/2014
  • Transparency
  • Data protection in CTIS
  • CTIS Sponsor User Personas

Section II - These topics are offered in a live virtual course:

  • Overview of CTIS components and system functionalities
  • Sponsor User Access Management,
  • Management of registered users (Role Matrix)
  • Create, submit and withdraw an initial application; Update the initial application through other applications (substantial modifications, additional MSC)
  • Respond to Request for Information (RFI) received during the evaluation
  • Manage a Clinical Trial through CTIS
  • Sponsor search, view and download a Clinical Trial and Clinical Trial Application (CTA)
  • Create and submit an Annual Safety Report and respond to related RFIs
  • Clinical Study Reports (CSR) submissions


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