The working party's tasks include:

  • preparing, reviewing and updating guidelines and concept papers on working party related matters;
  • European and international co-operation relating to working party activities;
  • liaising with interested parties, such as industry, patient organisations and healthcare professional organisations;
  • providing trainings and workshops to assessors;
  • providing product related support upon request from EMA Committees and the Scientific Advice Working Party.

Mandate, rules of procedure and work programme

EMA will provide information on the mandate, responsibilities and procedures of this working party as soon as available.

This working party's three-year work plan is available below:


The working party is composed of five to nine experts from Member States, selected from the list of European experts and nominated by members of the CHMP. Experts are chosen on the basis of the best and available expertise needed for the working party to deliver its commitments.

The current members are listed below, in alphabetical order of surname. Their declarations of interests are available in the European experts list: 


  • Kristina Dunder
  • Antonio Gomez-Outes
  • Alar Irs
  • Clemens Mittmann
  • Gabriella Passacquale
  • Jean-Michel Race
  • Patrick Vrijlandt (Vice-Chair)

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