Support by the SME office is open to enterprises that:

  • have a valid SME status assigned by EMA;
  • develop and market medicines in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA).

The Regulation was adopted in December 2005 to promote innovation and the development of new medicines for human and veterinary use by SMEs. 

Surveys and roundtables

The office runs surveys and roundtable discussions with pharmaceutical industry associations representing SMEs. This is to get feedback on their experience with the Regulation, EMA's related services and the challenges SMEs face.

This also aims to help guide EMA's future support activities for SMEs. 

The office invites SMEs and industry stakeholders to complete an online survey on the support, services and incentives that EMA provides to them:

The deadline to send feedback is 12 July.

EMA will analyse the results and report them anonymously at a roundtable meeting with SME stakeholders in 2025. The office will later make available a report with the main outcomes.

Outcomes of previous surveys and roundtables reports are available below:

To find more reports and supporting documents on the office's activities, as well as upcoming events, go to:

For more information, see:

Annual and multi-annual reports

Find below an overview of the previous SME annual reports by year.

Select the expandable panels to access the documents.


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