
Medicine shortages and availability issues

Improving the availability of medicines authorised in the European Union (EU) is a key priority for the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the European medicines regulatory network. Shortages or other problems with the availability of medicines create challenges for the medicine supply chain, potentially seriously impacting human and animal health. 
HumanVeterinaryMedicine shortagesMedicines

This content applies to human and veterinary medicines.

In this section

Public information on medicine shortages

EMA's shortages catalogue with information on ongoing and resolved shortages assessed by EMA and links to national registers of shortages

European Shortages Monitoring Platform

EMA's European Shortages Monitoring Platform gathers information about medicine supply and demand in order to prevent, detect and manage human medicine shortages.

Availability of critical medicines before and during crises

EMA's role in coordinating the EU response to supply issues of human medicines caused by crises such as major events or public health emergencies

Medicine shortage communications

A marketing authorisation holder may send a medicine shortage communication to healthcare professionals to inform them of a medicine shortage that does not refer to a quality, safety or efficacy issue.

Guidance for companies

Guidance for marketing authorisation holders, wholesalers, distributors, and manufacturers on maintaining a continuous supply of their medicines

Guidance for regulators

Guidance on communicating to the public about shortage-related issues and managing shortages caused by manufacturing or quality problems.

Guidance for patients and healthcare professionals

Measures that patients’ and healthcare professionals’ organisations can take to help prevent and manage shortages of human medicines in the EU

HMA / EMA Task Force on the Availability of Authorised Medicines for Human and Veterinary Use (2016-2024)

The task force concluded its work in December 2024. 

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