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Featured information for healthcare professionals
EMA communication activities: 2024 survey results
We asked stakeholders for feedback on our external communication activities via a bi-annual survey disseminated in May 2024. The results are available in a newly-published report. They help us to establish baselines and targets to measure progress, analyse trends and address areas for improvement.
Open call for expressions of interest for medical device experts
EMA invites experts in medical devices to submit an expression of interest to become a member of an expert panel. It includes experts in the field of in-vitro diagnostic medical devices. Patients, consumers and healthcare professionals can apply to a separate call. Selected applicants will be able to support EMA's work in the area. EMA has extended the deadline for the initial selection for both calls until 18 November.
EU agencies promoting a One Health approach
EMA and other scientific EU agencies responsible for human, animal health and environmental protection have established a task force to coordinate activities and share information, promoting a joined-up One Health approach. A paper is available containing more details.
Human medicines: highlights of 2022
In 2022, EMA recommended 89 medicines for marketing authorisation. Of these, 41 had a new active substance which had never been authorised in the European Union before. These included two vaccines and two treatments for COVID-19.
Guidance on medicine shortages
Guidance is available on the actions that patients and healthcare professionals can take to help prevent and manage shortages of human medicines in the EU. An infosheet and infocards are also available to summarise the recommendations in the guidance.
Questions and answers on interchangeability of biosimilars
A 'questions and answers' document is available for healthcare professionals, patients and other stakeholders to further address issues related to the interchangeability of biosimilars in EU countries. This complements the information that EMA and the Heads of Medicines Agencies provided in a joint statement on this topic, in September 2022.
European medicines agencies network strategy to 2025
The strategy sets out how the network will continue to enable the supply of safe and effective medicines, in the face of developments in science, medicine, digital technologies, globalisation and emerging health threats, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
Publications of interest
Video: Working for every patient in Europe
Watch our short video for a quick and easy explanation of who EMA is and what it does. (video in English, with subtitles in 24 different languages).
Video: 25 years of EMA engagement with patients and healthcare professionals
Watch our short video to see how our interactions with patients and healthcare professionals have evolved over the last 25 years (video in English).
EMA's 2023 annual report
Navigate through the digital report to view interviews, short videos and an interactive timeline of the Agency’s main activities in 2023. Read the traditional PDF version to see additional figures and statistics on EMA's regulatory procedures and activities.