Role of CVMP
CVMP plays a vital role in the authorisation of veterinary medicines in the European Union (EU).
Centralised procedure
In the centralised procedure, CVMP is responsible for:
- conducting the initial assessment of EU-wide marketing authorisation applications;
- post-authorisation and maintenance activities, including the assessment of any modifications or variations to an existing marketing authorisation;
- safety monitoring of veterinary medicines on the market and when necessary, recommending to the European Commission changes to a medicine's marketing authorisation, or its suspension or withdrawal from the market. For more information, see Veterinary pharmacovigilance.
Referral procedures
CVMP also evaluates veterinary medicines authorised at national level referred to EMA for a harmonised position across the EU. For more information, see Veterinary referral procedures.
Maximum residue limits
CVMP recommends safe limits for residues of veterinary medicines used in food-producing animals and biocidal products used in animal husbandry, for the establishment of maximum residue limits by the European Commission.
Medicine development
In addition, CVMP and its working parties contribute to the development of veterinary medicines and medicine regulation, by:
- providing scientific advice to companies researching and developing new veterinary medicines;
- preparing scientific guidelines and regulatory guidance to help pharmaceutical companies prepare marketing authorisation applications for veterinary medicines;
- cooperate with international partners on the harmonisation of regulatory requirements.
CVMP assessments
CVMP's assessments are based on a comprehensive scientific evaluation of data. They determine whether the medicine meets the necessary quality, safety and efficacy requirements and that is has a positive risk-benefit balance in favour of the animal population they are intended for.
A peer-review system safeguards the accuracy and validity of the opinions of the committee. From 28 January 2022, the Veterinary Medicinal Products Regulation will update existing rules on the authorisation and use of veterinary medicines in the EU. EMA has revised CVMP's rules of procedure to reflect these changes with effect from 28 January 2022. CVMP was formerly known as the Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use before 28 January 2022.
For full details, see the CVMP rules of procedure and work plan.
Publication of CVMP agendas, minutes and highlights
EMA's Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products (CVMP) meets once a month. EMA publishes the agendas, minutes and highlights of the plenary meetings of CVMP.
EMA has been publishing the agendas and minutes of CVMP plenaries since its December 2013 meeting.
Before 2013, EMA only published meeting reports for CVMP.
CVMP publication times
- Agendas
Before start of Committee plenary.
EMA has been publishing agendas for CVMP since its December 2013 meeting.- Minutes
After Committee plenary where minutes are adopted.
EMA has been publishing agendas and minutes for CVMP since its December 2013 meeting.- Meeting highlights
Friday after Committee plenary.