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European experts

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) maintains a public list of European experts who provide scientific expertise to EMA's activities.

European experts can:

  • serve as members of EMA's scientific committees, working parties, shortages steering groups, Emergency Task Force and other groups;
  • be involved in EMA's work on the authorisation, supervision and maintenance of medicines for human or veterinary use;
  • carry out scientific evaluation in assessment teams supporting (Co-)Rapporteurs or members with leading/co-ordinating role, and/or perform compliance inspections on behalf of EMA;
  • contribute to the preparation for, prevention, coordination and managing the impact of public health emergencies and major events on medicinal products and medical devices;
  • contribute to EMA’s role on the monitoring, prevention and reporting on shortages of medicines and medical devices.

Member States or EMA nominate the experts and they are made available by the national competent authorities or academic institutions of the Member States of the European Economic Area (EU Member States plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), as part of the European medicines regulatory network.

The establishment and maintenance of this list of European experts is performed with reference to Article 62(2) of Regulation (EC) No 726/2004, which requires these experts to be accredited (‘proven experience in the evaluation of medicinal products’, ‘qualifications’, ‘specific areas of expertise’). Where the Agency is the nominating authority, it identifies experts through e.g. the publication of calls for expression of interest, liaison with learned societies or from collaborative work with experts already included in the list. The identification and selection of experts at national level is outside EMA’s remit.

European experts involved in activities at the level of the Agency comply with the requirements of EMA Policy 0044 on the handling of competing interests of scientific committees’ members and experts.

EMA requires the experts to sign a declaration of interests (DoI) every year. This is to ensure that they do not have any financial or other interests in pharmaceutical companies or medical device companies that could affect their impartiality.

Once EMA has assigned the DoI an interest level, and assessed the declared interests, an expert can be involved in EMA's activities. There are three interest levels:

  1. No interests declared
  2. Indirect interests declared
  3. Direct interests declared

EMA also requires the experts to submit a curriculum vitae (CV). For more information, see handling competing interests. Please also see the specific privacy statement regarding the Experts database and the handling of competing interests of scientific committees’ members and experts.

The list contains each experts' annual DoI, with the assigned interest level, and CV, as well as the nominating authority of the expert. The list only includes experts who have submitted an up-to-date DoI.

EMA will make available previous declarations of interests and CV's, on request. Please submit such requests via Send a question to EMA.

For more information, see: 

List of European experts

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Experts (4902)

Katja Ableiter
Nominating authority:

Central Authority of the Länder for Health Protection on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices

Flag: Germany Germany
Interest level:

No interests declared