The European Medicines Agency (EMA) supports non-European Union (EU) regulators by organising dedicated awareness sessions to provide them an insight into the EU medicine regulatory system and by making available information on relevant EU training opportunities that are open for their participation.

Training events and workshops

EMA training events

For information on relevant training events at EMA, see:

Presentations and video recordings of a wide variety of past training events and workshops are available on EMA's youtube channel.

EMA allocates available places to non-EU regulators at the listed training events on a first come, first served basis, while ensuring the broadest possible representation. If you are interested in participating in any upcoming training opportunities, please write to to find out if there are any spaces available.

Please note that training events that cover confidential information are, regrettably, only open to regulators that have confidentiality arrangements in place with EMA. EMA clearly indicates in the event details when such restrictions apply.

EMA does not provide financial support for the participation of non-EU regulators in training events, unless specifically stated.

Awareness sessions on the EU regulatory system

EMA organised awareness sessions in September 2017 and in March 2018 to present the European medicines regulatory network and EMA's role in it to international regulators and non-governmental organisations (NGO):

Further information and materials are available on the meeting pages.

Sixty regulators from non EU-European, African, Asian and American countries and several international NGOs attended the first session.

Based on positive feedback, EMA is planning to organise further sessions, if possible twice a year.

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