
Tuesday, 16 April 2024, 09:15 (CEST) - 17:30 (CEST)


European Medicines Agency, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Live broadcast

Event summary

This info day provides a comprehensive understanding of Product Management Service (PMS) and its implications on other EMA digital services.

It introduces the core concepts of PMS, ensuring that all attendees have the chance to understand its implementation. The event is designed to raise awareness and provide in-depth insights into the significance of PMS for crucial stakeholders. 

More specifically, the event:

  • highlights PMS connections with other digital solutions in EMA portfolio such as electronic application forms (eAF), regulatory procedure management (IRIS), electronic product information (ePI) and the future European Shortages Monitoring Platform (ESMP);
  • provides a thorough overview of PMS – including latest developments, as the go-live of PMS Application Programming Interface (Centrally Authorise Products (CAPs) and Nationally Authorised Products (NAPs), read-only) and Product User Interface (CAPs, read-only), both planned for Q2 2024;
  • showcases Substances, Organisations and Referentials (SOR) and XEVMPD services that support PMS;
  • demonstrates best practices for both Industry and Network's prospective PMS users.

Video recording


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