EMA's procedures and work streams continue as usual

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) acknowledges the outcome of the referendum of 23 June 2016. A majority voted against United Kingdom's (UK) continued membership of the European Union (EU) and it is now up to the UK government to decide how to act upon the outcome of the referendum.

EMA would like to underline that its procedures and work streams are not affected by the outcome of the referendum. The Agency will continue its operations as usual, in accordance with the timelines set by its rules and regulations.

No Member State has ever decided to leave the EU, so there is no precedent for this situation. The implications for the seat and operations of EMA depend on the future relationship between the UK and the EU. This is unknown at present and therefore we will not engage in any speculations.

EMA welcomes the interest expressed by some Member States to host the Agency in future. The decision on the seat of the Agency will however not be taken by EMA, but will be decided by common agreement among the representatives of the Member States. We are confident that the Member States will take the most appropriate decision on EMA's location and arrangements in due course, taking also into account the complex political and legal environment generated by the outcome of the UK referendum.

The European Regulatory Network as a whole is a very strong and flexible system that is able to adapt to changes without jeopardising the quality and effectiveness of its work. The Agency is in close contact with the EU institutions. As soon as concrete information will become available, EMA will share it with its stakeholders.

For the time being, the Agency, its 890 employees and all the European experts contributing to EMA's work will continue to focus on EMA's mission to protect human and animal health and ensure access to medicines that are safe, effective and of good quality.

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